Monday, November 16, 2009

new museum: muze yonetimi koleksiyoner kurator sanatci iliskilerinde etik tartismasi

takip ediyorsunuzdur new museum kendi yurutme kurulunda bulunan dakis joannaou'nun kolleksiyonunu jef koons kuratorlugunde sergileyecegini ilan ettikten sonra muze etigi meselesi uzerine ny times olmak uzere bir kisim medya ve blogda bircok yazi cikti. mesela bir tanesi
bunun uzerine gelen yorumlardan birtanesini buraya koymak istedim. eski new museum calisanlarindan hakan FB sayfasinda paylasmis. new york gibi kurumlarin degismez otorite rolunu oynadigi yerde boyle bir tartismanin baslamasi dikkat cekici:

MY5CENTS: How to save New Museum in 5 easy steps! Why? Because we care!

1. NuMU has to suspend the collector’s show for a later time if not canceling it permanently.
2. Curators need to write a position paper acknowledging the short-comings of such undertakings and appreciate the sensitivities of art world(s)
3. During the exhibition period leave the space empty. Invite various curatorial and art collectives, scholars and art workers to organize a wide range of events which can use the bare spaces of the museum as a platform to reflect on the current conditions of [neo-liberal] cultural institutions. Suggested groups: WHW, 16 Beaver, Superflex, xurban (yeah☺),…
4. NuMu should change their internal policy to include, artists, NuMu workers (including the temp art handlers) into decision-making processes. Implement a new code of ethics so that the relationship between curators, trustees, collectors, and dealers are extremely transparent, if there should be any at all.
5. Writes a new mission statement for a new “new new museum” (well, because “new-new museum” did not work that well, did it?). Dedicates considerable exhibition and programming time to non-commercial and/or non-western artists, curators and groups.

Note: friends, please make suggestions, additions, subtractions so that we circulate this widely. Cheers.

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