Friday, May 30, 2008

Mürüvvet Türkyılmaz at Diagonal Argument (31/05 - 26/07/2008) Bétonsalon Paris

Artists: Bad Beuys Entertainment, Gilles Barbier, Claude Closky, Collectif 1.0.3, Eric Duyckaerts, León Ferrari, Alexandra Grant, Julien Prévieux, Michael Snow, Mürüvet Türkyılmaz, Keith Tyson

Curators: Isabelle Le Normand and Florence Ostende

In the 1960s, the philosopher and sociologist Ted Nelson took computer training classes to help him write his philosophy books. He was struggling to organize the flux of his thoughts. He was looking for a way to "create without constraint a document from a vast ensemble of ideas of all kinds, unstructured, non-sequential". He dreamt of being able to write a paragraph with doors that can be opened to reveal thousands of new pieces of information that were not visible at first glance.
He dreamt of infinite tree-like structures, of a super intelligence that would function by shortcuts and association of ideas. In 1965, Ted Nelson invented the word "hypertext" and thought up the Xanadu project that foretold the Internet: dreaming of a machine that would be able to make books available to all, everywhere, at any moment. The Xanadu project as Ted Nelson imagined it failed and he admits that he still notes his ideas down on little stickers that he classes by day, by week and by year, and that correspond to the different projects he has in mind.
Organizing hundreds of ideas without getting lost, structuring one's thoughts, classifying one's arguments: it would seem that the more you classify, the more the essence of the subject dissolves and moves further away. The exhibition Diagonal Argument sketches the portrait of a method that loses, searches for, finds, organizes and disorganizes itself, lost in the trap of its own reasoning. It is the story of a method that thinks it can control the maze of hyperlinks and the ramifications of our ideas.

Diagonal Argument
is an exhibition that embraces forking methodologies, oblique strategies and the dizzying analogies.
As a tribute to one of Eric Duyckaerts' performances and Georg Cantor's well-known mathematical demonstration, Diagonal Argument is a zigzag-shaped project specifically curated for Bétonsalon.

Centre d'art et de recherche / Art and research centre
9 esplanade Pierre Vidal-Naquet
Rez-de-Chaussée de la Halle aux Farines
75013 Paris

General-Pape-Strasse 100 by Susanne Kriemann at bb5 nuits

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 / 9 pm
General-Pape-Strasse 100

General-Pape-Strasse 100 is an attempt to represent the development over time of the “Schwerbelastungskörper” —a heavy-load-testing structure located near Tempelhof at General-Pape-Strasse 100 and the subject of artist Susanne Kriemann’s fascination and research for years. What could the reasoning be behind the official state renovation of this ambivalent monument to failure and National Socialist construction engineering? Can it become a piece of real estate in the current urban development of Tempelhof? Or will it be put on pedestal as an object of speculation under the gaze of the art world? Urs Stäheli is a professor of sociology at Basle University. Philipp Gutbrod is the New York representative of Villa Grisebach. Alexander Tull works as a freelance director for theater in Berlin. Susanne Kriemann was born 1972 in Erlangen (DE), she lives and works in Rotterdam (NL). Her new photographic installation is on view at Neue Nationalgalerie as part of the 5th berlin biennial. The lecture will be held in German and English. Singing: Micaela Leon

Schwerbelastungskörper, Dudenstrasse, Corner Löwenhardtdamm, 10965 Berlin-Tempelhof

Thursday, May 29, 2008

bu iş böyle olmaz böyle yaşanmaz

farklılıkları ezerek kapatarak çoğulluk olunmaz. ne yapabilirsek yapalım.
hakikaten böyle yaşanmaz.

Lambdaistanbul Kapatilma Davasi Sonucu - Basin Aciklamasi


29 Mayis 2008 tarihinde Lambdaistanbul derneğinin kapatılma davasında yerel mahkeme, kapatma yönünde karar verdi. Bundan sonraki süreç, davanın Yargıtay tarafından incelenmesiyle devam edecek. Bu süreç tamamlanana kadar dernek varlığını sürdürecek.

1993’ten beri Istanbul’da faaliyet gösteren Lambdaistanbul, 2006 Mayıs’ında dernekleşti. Istanbul Valiligi, dernek tüzüğünün ‘hukuka ve ahlaka aykırı’ olduğunu iddia ederek kapatılmasi için savcılığa başvurdu. Savcı örgütlenme özgürlüğü kapsamında davayı reddetmesine rağmen Valilik karara itiraz ederek konuyu mahkemeye taşıdı. 2007 Temmuz’unda görülmeye başlayan davanın 6. duruşması 29 Mayıs 2008 tarihinde Beyoğlu 3. Asliye Hukuk Mahkemesi’nde görüldü ve yerel mahkeme, derneğin tüzüğünü hukuka ve ahlaka aykırı bularak kapatılmasına karar verdi.

Lambdaistanbul derneğinin kapatılması istemiyle açılan dava sürecinden bizim anladiğımız, Turkiye’de fiilen ve yasal olarak varolan LGBTT örgütlerinin yasal alanın dışına itilmeye çalışıldığıdır. Toplumsal düzen, kendi içindeki çeliskileri çözmeye çalışmak yerine, bu çelişkilerin hali hazirda ceremesini çeken kimlikleri ve kişilikleri mahkum etmektedir. Böylece toplumsal duzeni koruma iddasinda olanlar, LGBTT’lerin her an ve her türlü sömürüye açık bir şekilde yaşamaya devam etmelerinin kendi çıkarlarına daha iyi uyduğunu açıkça belirtmiş oldular.

Bizler, her hak mücadelesinin meşru zeminini yaratmanın uzun çabalar gerektiğinin bilincinde olarak, yasal tanınırlık üzerinden meşruiyet zeminimizi arttırma çabalarımıza devam edeceğiz.

Lambdaistanbul LGBTT Dayanışma Derneği

Tel: +90 (0) 212 245 70 68

Istiklâl Caddesi, Katip Celebi Mah. Tel Sok. No: 28/6 Kat:5

Beyoglu - Istanbul

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

data recovery

is opening tomorrow with susanne kriemann, banu cennetoglu, martin beck, simon goldin, jakob senneby, jo schmeiser, simone bader and john barlow present. we are all ready to fly...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

bilge'ye cannes'dan en iyi yönetmen

Nuri Bilge Ceylan 3 Maymun'la Cannes'de Sean Penn'in başkanlık ettiği jüriden En İyi Yönetmen ödülünü aldı: "Bu ödülü yalnız ve güzel ülkeme ithaf ediyorum."

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008

curiosity-to-survive FM beirut 5: holiday inn, al murr tower, lunapark and cornishe

The Québec Triennial: Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed with Romeo Gongero's new work

The Musée d’art contemporain is pulling off a major coup this summer with the inaugural edition of The Québec Triennial: Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed, scheduled to run from May 24 to September 7, 2008. This is one of the most ambitious exhibitions ever of contemporary Québec art, and one of the largest exhibitions in the museum’s history...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

masist gül and one night stand at bb5

Masist Gül
curated by Banu Cennetoğlu and Phillippine Hoegen
Schinkel Pavillon,
22 Mayis 2008, 19:00-22:00
23 Mayis - 8 Haziran 2008

* One Night Stand *


-Anita Di Bianco, New York, Corrections and Clarifications
-Bent Books, Istanbul
-Documentation Celine Duval, Normandie
-Eva Weinmayr, London, rumours
-Kristina Ask, Copenhagen, DICTIONARY and printed projects
-Michalis Pichler, Berlin, publications and Archive of Shredded Catalogues
-Rita McBride, Düsseldorf, books
-Samandal Comics Magazine, Beirut
-Temporary Services, Chicago
-Uqbar Foundation, Amsterdam

KW Institute for Contemporary Art
24.05.2008, 20.00-23.30

Medinat Weimar

Shalom friends and future supporters,
Medinat Weimar, the newly founded movement for a Jewish state in Thuringia , Germany , is in the process of drafting support for the movement.
We invite and encourage people from any background and nationally to become active members of the movement and to take part in forwarding the vision based on the Thirteen Principles of the movement that you can read below.
If you support the movement please! Enter our website and fill the form of support.

Ronen Eidelman
Secretary Medinat Weimar

Medinat Weimar: The Movement for a Jewish State in Thuringia

Thirteen principles of the movement

1. Medinat Weimar whishes to establish a Jewish state in Thuringia , Germany , with the city of Weimar as its capital.

2. Medinat Weimar is a solution to overcome the present crises and heal Jewish trauma, German guilt, East Mediterranean conflicts, East German troubles and many other problems in the world.

3. Medinat Weimar will utilize the autonomy of art and its institutions, as well as using the tools of political campaigning and activism to convince the citizens of Germany , the European Union, the worlds Jewish communities and the international community to support the founding of the state.

4. Medinat Weimar defines Jewish not through blood or ancestry but through similarity in mind, culture, common history and unity of fate. Jews from European origin, Jews from non European origin, Palestinians Arabs (Muslim and Christian alike) and all other parties affected by the activities of the state of Israel are considered to share a common fate.

5. Medinat Weimar invites and encourages people from any background and nationality to become active members of the movement and take part in forwarding the vision.

6. Medinat Weimar can play an important role in healing anti-Semitism, Schuldabwehrantisemitismus (guilt-defensiveness anti-Semitism) problematic expressions of Philosemitismus, both german and jewish self hatred and the ongoing conflict between the Jewish, Arab and Muslim communities.

7. Medinat Weimar is not a replacement of the current state of Israel but a different Jewish state. A state apprising to live up to the vision of being a "light to the nations", generating a cultural and spiritual renaissance as well as a peaceful home addressing the failure of the Zionist claim to "normalize" the Jewish people and establish a safe haven.

8. Medinat Weimar believes peoples maintain not only the rights of self- determination and self-definition, but self-redetermination and self- redefinition as well.

9. Medinat Weimar wants to transverses all ideological, cultural and religious trenches within the Israeli as well as the German discourse.

10. Medinat Weimar believes that Thuringia with its important place in German culture, history of anti-Semitism and German nationalism, legacy of Jewish life and culture as well as its shrinking population and a weak economy is the optimal place for a new Jewish state. A Jewish state in Thuringia will not only provide a resolution to the plight of world Jewry, but also an economic and cultural resolution to Thuringia's plight as a struggling former East German province.

11. Medinat Weimar is a sober and anti-fascist solution to many problems that the state of Thuringia is facing as a former East German province and will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants. A Jewish state is not a punishment but a prize. Through Thuringia we offer all German people an opportunity for redemption as well as liberation from the ghosts of their past.

12. Medinat Weimar wants to raise questions and explore issues such as the rise nationalism versus the reality of globalization and migration and the re-emergence of religion as a cultural identifier versus the secular globalization of capital.

13. Medinat Weimar is not a practical movement, but rather one that seeks to agitate and provoke by taking anti-Semitic, neo-liberal, nationalistic, Zionist arguments to their unreasonable conclusions illustrating their inner logic and absurdity.

We extend our hand to all the peoples of Thuringia in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with our movement and to the future sovereign Jewish people settled in the land. Medinat Weimar is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire region.
* inspired by Maimonides' 13 Principles of Jewish Faith

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lorenzo Bonaldi prize for art - Enterprize, 4th year Data Recovery curated by Övül Durmusoglu

Data Recovery

Julie Ault and Martin Beck, Michael Blum, Banu Cennetoğlu, Goldin+Senneby, Klub Zwei, Susanne Kriemann

Övül Durmusoglu

29 May 2008, 6.30 pm

29 May – 27 July 2008

Opening hours
Tuesday – Sunday: 10–9; Thursday 10–22
Closed Monday

Friday, May 16, 2008

close connections 2008 amsterdam

a short history of middle east in posters: comment to 15th May "Nakba Day"

these days israel is celebrating the nakba day, the foundation of israeli state in palestine.
the posters in a row -seen in saida in lebanon- somehow marks a public view of resistance against israel and occupation.
we all know the lands left to palestinians after oslo agreement is eroding day-by-day.
please watch -if you haven't yet- wonderful documentary by Michel Khleifi and Eyal Sivan titled Route 181: Fragments of a Journey in Palestine-Israel:

"In the summer of 2002, Michel Khleifi and Eyal Sivan, a Palestinian and an Israeli, travelled together from the south to the north of their country of birth, traced their trajectory on a map and called it Route 181. This virtual line follows the borders outlined in UN Resolution 181 that was to partition Palestine into two states. As they travel along this route, they encounter men and women, Israeli and Palestinian, young and old, civilians and soldiers, filming them in their everyday lives. Each of these characters has their own way of evoking the frontiers that separate them from their neighbours: concrete, barbed-wire, cynicism, humour, indifference, suspicion, aggression… Frontiers have been built on the hills and in the plains, on mountains and in valleys but above all inside the minds and souls of these two peoples and in the collective unconscious of both societies. With Route 181: Fragments of a Journey in Palestine-Israel, Michel Khleifi and Eyal Sivan take us on a disorientating journey across this tiny territory with vast ramifications."

and see yael bartana's beautiful recent work mary kozsmary.

"Until WW II, Poland had the largest Jewish community in the world. In the postwar period, many of the 180,000–240,000 survivors chose to emigrate from communist Poland.
The film is sets in an abandoned stadium in Warsaw, using propaganda films style, calling for three million Jews to return to Poland. The protagonist is Slawomir Sierekowski, a young radical polish leftist who claims for a radical change in his country."

"‘The Central Fire’: History and the Predicament of Critique" by Gene Ray

‘The Central Fire’: History and the Predicament of Critique

Gene Ray

Is it all the fault of the system? Systems are such heavy chains that they exonerate the infinitesimal individual, the thinking reed, the trampled reed. What would Pascal or Spinoza have done in Dachau? Or at the front, under a helmet? The reed stops thinking, becomes malleable matter, identifies with its chains.


Practices of critique take many forms today and look back to numerous sources and inspirations. These forms can diverge in what each takes to be the objects, functions and methods of critical practice. This much was quickly established at the conference “The Art of Critique,” organized by the EIPCP in Vienna. Over two days in April, ten writers and theorists from the fields of philosophy, political science and sociology presented and discussed papers aiming to “problematize the meanings of critique that have been developed for centuries” and to explore such new forms and conceptions as “atopical critique” (Hakan Gürses), “embodied critique” (Marina Garcés), “counter-hegemonial intervention” (Chantal Mouffe), and resistance or “exodus” (Gerald Raunig, Maurizio Lazzarato, Isabell Lorey). The conference grew out of EIPCP’s developing Transform project and Transversal web journal, which have been oriented toward the rethinking and renewal of forms of institutional critique. In this context, it becomes ever more imperative to clarify the possibilities of critical practices adequate to contemporary conditions, and the conference follows up on an August 2006 issue of Transversal on the theme of critique.

The gathering took place in the gallery space of the Kunsthalle Exnergasse in the WUK complex, appropriately enough surrounded by the exhibition “Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too.” Co-curated by Charlotte Martinz-Turek and Luisa Ziaja, and featuring the work of Zanny Begg and Oliver Ressler, Chto delat?, Marcelo Exposito and Nuria Vila, Bini Adamczak and Persson Baumgartinger, among others, the exhibition aimed to make concrete EIPCP’s notion of institutional critique as “instituent practice.” The mix was a stimulating and felicitous one; probing and inventive, the conference contributions provoked spirited responses and a few sharp exchanges. Impressively organized and well-attended, the event was a model of focused critical culture produced beyond the usual sites of museum and university.

Asked by the organizers to respond to the conference as a whole, I will try in what follows first to remark some of the larger streams of critical thinking in play in and across the papers presented. This kind of initial mapping may be less than satisfying, insofar as it necessarily fails to do justice to the richness and singularity of the ten contributions, each of which deserves and calls for a singular response. But this approach will at least provide a needed opening to some general reflections and remarks on the places and predicaments of critique today. These obviously have to do with the constraints imposed by the historical moment, as well as what can still be called the current “conjuncture.” It would be wrong to say that the contributors were unconcerned to specify this historical context. Indeed some – notably Marina Garcés, Chantal Mouffe and Maurizio Lazzarato – explicitly tried to do so. But I find myself uneasy with the characterizations offered and will try in this essay to discover the reasons for this discomfort. If this critical reflection fails to invent another new form of critique, it will at least make an attempt to clarify the historical problem that a transformative critical project must still address today.

Three Streams of Critique

The names most cited by the conference participants, both in their papers and in the discussions that followed, were Foucault, Marx and Adorno – more or less, if I’m not mistaken, in this order. Less often cited but still massively present were the names Gramsci and Deleuze and Guattari. Impressionistic as these observations are, they do I think accurately reflect the main theoretical landmarks informing the conference and the assumptions behind it. Without of course implying that the papers presented can be reduced to or merely identified with the sources that inspire them, it is possible to recognize at least three distinct streams or general tendencies of critical thought emerging from these names, as they bear on the question of critique as such.

The first would be constituted by Foucault’s reflections on power, resistance and governmentality, especially in the 1978 lecture and essay “What Is Critique?” – and especially as mediated through Judith Butler’s 2002 reading of Foucault’s text.[1] Foucault’s re-conception of critique looks back to Kant’s critical project of “knowing knowledge” and in particular the task of knowing its limits and boundaries. If for Kant critique “suspends judgment” in a first moment, in order to assess what can and cannot be known of its objects, it is only in order, in a second moment, to reach a more rigorous judgment within the proper limits of what Foucault calls a “regime of truth.” In contrast, Foucault was interested precisely in practically transgressing the epistemological horizon of knowledge set by a Kantian approach. Instead of recuperating critique into a higher and more authoritative form of judgment, Foucault wanted to go beyond all established authority and open up new forms of practice – new arts or technês of self-production and transformation.

In terms of his paradigm of biopower and governmentality, Foucault’s notion of critique is the practice that answers the question “how not to governed like that... not like that, not for that, not by them.” For Foucault, forms of governmentality produce corresponding forms of subjectivity; governmentality remakes individuals into specific kinds of subjects. The relation between “government” (les gouvernants) and the governed (les gouvernés) can be external, as in the legalized operations of a government or state, or internalized and embodied, insofar as an individual practically accepts an established regime of truth as the real horizon of possible thinking and acting. Critique is the thinking that accompanies forms of a “desubjugation” of the subject of governmentality and its operative regime of truth – a de-linking or evacuation from the government/governed relation, and thus from the domination implicit in this relation. Critique, in this sense, opens the way to a desubjugated form of practice.

This Foucauldian notion of critique of is explicitly endorsed by Gerald Raunig, who links it to the Deleuzean trope of the “machine.” Clearly legible in the published announcement of the Vienna conference, it also informs, to varying degrees, the contributions of other participants – notably those of Lazzarato and Isabell Lorey and, pushed specifically in the direction of more embodied modes of being, feeling, thinking and acting, those of Marina Garcés and Patricia Purtschert.

A second stream would be oriented more directly toward the Marxist tradition and Frankfurt critical theory. For this tradition, the transformation of society as a totality remains the ultimate object of critical theory and radical political practice. Even if indirectly, critical theory supports the practical struggle to go beyond capitalism as a global system of exploitation and domination, and for this reason critique must remain concerned with the strategic problems of recomposing the dispersed local struggles of micro-politics into an organized agency capable of a global displacement of capitalist power. There is a difference, after all, between an individualized practice and one that is organized and strategically collective. For this stream, dialectics remains a potent form of critical thinking, even if this dialectic is now a negative one rather than the basis for a mythical automatic progress. In Vienna, Alex Demirovic spoke eloquently for this tradition, which was also endorsed by Karl Reitter and, in some respects, by Hakan Gürses.

The third stream would flow from the “post-Marxist” revision of the second stream carried out by Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau in their 1985 book Hegemony and Socialist Strategy.[2] This work, which informs and inspires various “discourse analysis” approaches to politics, sees society as a field of irreducible antagonism, over which order is installed as a contingent and necessarily unstable “hegemony” through specific articulations of discourses and practices. Mouffe and Laclau reject the goal, traditional in orthodox Marxism, of a society reorganized to eliminate antagonism and social conflict once and for all; for them, there can be no such thing, for every society must impose order through a new hegemonic articulation. Socialism would be no different in this regard, and Mouffe and Laclau try to rethink socialist strategy accordingly.


more on
A response to eipcp's conference "The Art of Critique", held in April 2008. The texts of the conference themselves will be published in two upcoming issues of the web journal transversal in August and November 2008.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

electric palm tree takes start!

A public lecture by Philippe Rekacewicz on the occasion of the launch of Electric Palm Tree

Thursday 15 May 2008, 17.00 hrsFelix Meritis, Keizersgracht 324, Amsterdam

Philippe Rekacewicz, a geographer and cartographer for Le Mondediplomatique and the United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP/Grid-Arendal in Norway), will question the position of cartography,between its long standing role as an instrument of power in the sphere ofworld representation and its capacity for subversive imagination andaction, analyzing common strategies of map-drawing and contemporary art indealing with the visible, the potential and the represented.Philippe Rekacewicz will also hold a workshop at 14.00 hrs, on the sameday, developing an in-depth, critical and playful examination of theseissues, with a group of local artists, intellectuals and activists.

If you are interested in the workshop, please write us This program also marks the launch of Electric Palm Tree, a long-termproject for artistic and intellectual practice that focuses on issues ofco-existence and the politics of culture in the current global society.The lecture will be preceded by a short introduction of Electric Palm Treeby the curators Kyongfa Che, Binna Choi and Cosmin Costinas.

During 2008 and 2009, Electric Palm Tree is supported by Fonds BKVB withinits project Intendant Cultural Diversity. For further information onIntendant Cultural Diversity and the events organized by the otherproject-teams on the 15th and 16th of May, please visit

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

we lost the big bob

yesterday the sky lost another star.
robert rauschenberg died at 82 last night...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Whitney ISP Studio Program Exhibition 2008


Presented by Whitney Museum of American Art Independent Study Program
at 548 West 22nd Street, 3rd floor

May 17 – June 1, 2008

An exhibition of works by the 2007–08 Studio Program participants of the Independent Study Program:


Saturday, May 17 5–8 pm

Daily 11 am–6 pm

Saturday, May 31 6:30–8 pm

The exhibition and all events take place at 548 West 22nd Street, 3rd floor. Admission is free.

addio a leyla

Saturday, May 10, 2008

i am crying for beirut

i am in amsterdam with basak, just saw a friend i met in beirut.
koken sends me the news of the Hezbollah attack on Future TV building. he says i stayed in Zico building, it is two blocks away. i was also there all the time for late night hangings with home works crew. i immediately start to read the news. aljazeera says harshest clashes taking place since 1975-90 civil war. 18 people killed. that hezbollah took the roads going to the airport, the roads that i passed only 20 days ago under the posters of hezbollah. basak says jalal toufic was very afraid of a coming close civil war. we all fear "is this the beginning" again? i am crying for beirut...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

hıdırellez sorusu

geçen gün bir gazete köşesinde okuyunca kafama dank etti, ortadoğu otokrasilerine benzemek.
aman allah korusun. cik cik cik...
neden ortadoğu deyince aklımıza sadece din rejimi, otokrasi ve başörtüsü gelir?
ortadoğu ve civarına gittiğimi söylediğimde neden ilk gelen soru türbandır?
bu biraz da alıp kendimize benzetmeye çalıştığımız, artık bütünleşmekten dolayı ne olduğunu ayırt edemediğimiz batılı bakıştan kaynaklanmıyor mu acaba?
kendimizi ortadoğu'dan ve araplardan bir nevi üstün görme hep bu elitist bakışın dolaylı sonuçları değil mi? osmanlı/türkiye arasındaki duysal ve düşünsel kesintiden sonra bir daha dönüp bakmamışız "o taraflara".
dışarıdan fazlasıyla öyle görünse de, benim kanım din rejimi, otokrasi ve baş örtüsünden öte ve karmaşık meseleler dönüyor oralarda. hepimizi de ilgilendiriyor ayrıca, bunlardan öte. çünkü global kapital buraların petrolünden, etinden, sütünden ve bir türlü çözülemeyen meselelerinden had safhada besleniyor.
bugün bulgar ve kosovalı sanatçılarla açılışındayken sisley xhafa'dan da duyunca artık koptum "işte osmanlı" dedi, o da, hepimiz bir aradayken.
bunu daha önce galit eliat da söyledi, beyrut'ta karşılaştığım insanlar da: kemal'e sığındınız kendinizi kesip attınız, bu gerçekten kaçtınız, ama biz işte hepimiz, bugünkü durumumuz, osmanlı eseri değiliz de neyiz?
bu sanırım biraz da tarcan kardeşime cevabım. geç olsun güç olmasın.

Monday, May 5, 2008

şehitler oratoryosu: vatan sevgisi lirik dille işleniyor, şahadet duygusunun yüceliği anlatılıyor

bu göz yaşartıcı (malum gözler sadece gaz bombalarından yaşarmıyor memleketimizde) başyapıtın librettosunu sanatsever bir paşamız yazmış:


Els Vanden Meersch: Excluded Interiors

Manif d'art 4, the biennial of Québec,
La Chambre Blanche
presents the site specific installation :
Els Vanden Meersch
Excluded Interiors

LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE, in a third participation in the biennial organized by the Québec international art manifestation inspired by the theme “The encounter”, proudly present excluded interiors, a site-specific installation by the Belgium artist Els Vanden Meersch, from May 16th to June 15th 2008.

Els Vanden Meersch is interested in architecture and in the ways certain structures reveal psychological intends. She pursuits her researches at LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE with Excluded Interiors, an installation constructed through strategies of assembly and filing images thus proposing an environment of free association leading to a subjective reinterpretation of history. In the gallery, the encounter of two spaces set a dialogue with the spectator. The obscurity welcomes the projection of a series of images made up of the interiors of Prora. These images, linked to a tormented past, answer to an obsessive photographic assembly.
Disposed in an immaculate booth, hundred of images of both historical and contemporary dehumanized interiors leave us to a disturbing void. The encounter between the scenes marked by the absence and the past offers the spectators the possibility of leaving their personal and cultural memory to produce their own version of history.

28 April - 15 June 2008
Opening 16 May
Meeting on Friday 23 May 20h

Sunday, May 4, 2008

digression: casco/new director

congratulations to my dear friend and colleague binna choi who is taking over the directorship of Casco, Office for Art, Design and Theory this June after working as a curator at BAK, basis voor actuele kunst for more than three years.

pazar pazar: the great theather of oklahoma calls you!

Karl bir caddenin köşesinde bir afiş gördü, üzerinde şöyle yazıyordu: "Clayton'daki hipodromda bugün sabah altıdan gece yarısına kadar, Oklahoma'daki tiyatro için personel alınacak! Büyük Oklahoma Tiyatrosu sizi çağırıyor! Yalnızca bugün, yalnızca bir kereliğine çağırıyor! Şimdi fırsatı kaçıran, sonsuza dek kaçırmış olur! Geleceğini düşünenin yeri bizim yanımızdır! Herkese açık! Sanatçı olmak isteyen başvursun! Tiyatromuzda herkese ihtiyaç var! Bizde karar kılanları buradan kutlarız! Ama gece yarısına kadar görüşmeye alınmak için acele edin! Saat on ikide her şey bitecek, bir daha da başlamayacak! Bize inanmayana lanet olsun! Haydi Clayton'a!"

Saturday, May 3, 2008

polis aynı polis!

1 mayıs 2008 diye eklenmiş bu video. silinmeden görün. nerede ve ne zaman olduğunu da tahmin edin. (thanks for sending it isa)

Friday, May 2, 2008

İHD İstanbul Şubesi'nden 1 Mayıs Raporu

İstanbul’da Taksim Meydanında yapılacak olan 1 Mayıs kutlamalarına saldıran güvenlik güçleri binlerce kişiyi göz altına aldı, onlarca kişi yaralandı, milyonlarca kişi işine ve okuluna gidemedi. Hükümetin emriyle, binlerce işçi ve emekçinin toplantı ve gösteri yapma hakkı şiddet kullanılarak ellerinden alındı. İnsan hakları savunucuları olarak 1 Mayıs gösterilerine yapılan haksız müdahaleyi kınıyoruz. 1 Mayıs gösterilerine karşı verdikleri talimatlar ve eylemleri ile insan hak ve özgürlüklerini kullanılamaz hale getiren, Anayasayı ve yasaları ihlal eden, Devlet ve hükümet yetkililerinin soruşturularak cezalandırılmalarını istiyoruz.

1 Mayıs İşçi ve Emekçilerin Birlik ve Dayanışma Günü Türkiye’de, 1977 bir mayıs’ından bu yana sistemin işçi ve emekçilere karşı sergilediği şiddet politikasının ayyuka çıkartıldığı bir güne çevrilmiştir.

Bu gün, adı konmamış bir sıkıyönetim rejimi uygulanmıştır. Sayısız gaz bombası kullanılmış, yüzlerce yaralı işçi hastanelerde tedaviye alınmadan gözaltına alınmıştır. Alınan bilgilere göre 2800 civarında emekçi gözaltına alınmıştır, bu kişilerin bir kısmı resmi gözaltı işlemleri yapılmaksızın serbest bırakılmıştır.

Anayasanın 34. maddesinin 2. fıkrası bizzat Başbakan Recep tayyip Erdoğan’ın emriyle İl valisi ve Emniyet Müdürünün direktifleriyle ihlal edilmiştir. 13 milyonluk şehirde Toplu ulaşım araçları seferleri iptal edilmiş, okullar tatil edilmiştir. Toplanma ve gösteri yapma hakkı, seyahat hakkı, çalışma hakkı, eğitim ve öğrenim hakkı engellenmiş. Bu şekilde kamu düzeni bizzat yürütme erki tarafından ihlal edilmiştir.

Adapazarı’nda DTP’nin düzenlediği şenliğe saldıran bir kaç ülkücüyü dağıtamayan güvenlik güçleri 1 Mayıs gösterilerinde yüzbinlerce insanın toplantı ve gösteri yapma hakkını tamamen ortadan kaldırabilmiştir. Bu karşılaştırma dahi sistemin işçi ve emekçi sınıfına ve farklı kimliklere karşı tahammülsüzlüğünün açık görüntüsüdür.

İnsan hakları savunucuları olarak, hak ve özgürlükleri yok etmeye yönelik saldırgan ve yasakçı zihniyeti ve 1 Mayıs gösterilerine yapılan haksız müdahaleyi kınıyoruz. 1 Mayıs gösterilerine karşı verdikleri talimatlar ve eylemleri ile insan hak ve özgürlüklerini kullanılamaz hale getiren, Anayasayı ve yasaları ihlal eden, Devlet ve hükümet yetkililerinin soruşturularak cezalandırılmalarını istiyoruz.


Derneğimize ulaşan bilgilere göre gün boyunca, isimleri derneğimize bildirilmiş 117 kişi olmak üzere 2800 civarında kişi gözaltına alınmıştır..
1- DİSK Genel Merkezine üç ayrı zamanda Gaz bombalı saldırı düzenlendi. İsmi alınamayan 3 gözaltı, biri ağır dört yaralı var işçilerden.
2- Harbiyede 15-20 civarı gözaltı isimler belirlenemedi.
3- İstiklal cd. Bekar sokaktaki üç binaya polislerce kapılar kırılarak girildiği bilgisi alındı. Gözaltı olmamış.
4-Şişli Cevahir iş merkezinin önünde kitleye Gaz bombalı, joplu saldırı gerçekleşmiş.
5-Şişli de gerçek mermi ile yaralanan bir erkek şahsın olduğu bildirildi.( henüz doğrulanmadı)
6-Ayşe TUNCER sırtında gaz bombası patlatılmış, yaralı durumda.
7-Tülay NALBANT jopla kafası yarılmış.
8-Filiz GÜLKOKUER, DİSK genel merkeze atılan gaz nedeniyle Şişli Etfal hastanesine kaldırıldı.
9-Merter ÖZAYDIN, Polisin gözüne tekme atması nedeniyle ağır yaralı, Okmeydanı SSK hastanesine kaldırılmış.
10- KESK ve TTB’den alınan yaklaşık 250 kişi göaltına alındıktan sonra serbest bırakılmış.
11- 1500 civarında işçi Gayrettepe Emniyet birimine götürülmüş, İnönü Stadının yanında 1000 civarında eylemci çembere alınmış, gözaltı fiili olarak başlamış, araç bekleniyor.
12- iki kişi Taksim İlk yardım hastanesine kaldırılmış istiklal caddesinde polis saldırısı
sonucu yaralanmışlar.
13- Hacıhüsrev mahalesinde sivil araç içinde 3 kişi olduğu ve içindeki siyah elbiseli iki erkek bir bayan kitleyi hedef alarak silahla ateş etmişler. Yaşlı bir kadına araçla çarparak uzaklaşmışlar.
14- Şişli Etfal Hastanesi acil servise gaz bombalı saldırı gerçekleşti.
15- Diren APAYDIN, dolapderede saldırıya uğramış, dizinden yaralanmış
16- Taksim Alman Hastanesi önünden 7 kişi darp edilerek gözaltına alınmış
17- Şişli Adliyesinin önünde ÇHD üyesi 7 Avukat darp edilmiş.
18- Lübnan Konsolosluğunda görevli polis memuru ile yanında bulunan Teşvikiye Kuyumcusundan bir kişi sokakta bulunan göstericilerin üzerine hedef gözeterek ateş etmişler.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

1 Mayıs bayramımız kutlu olsun!

Bir taraf Cakarta Endonezya, bir taraf Çin.
Türkiye'de 1 Mayıs'ın bayram olarak kutlanmaması için bugün de ellerinden geleni yapanlara lanet olsun! ibreti alemdir: